Who do you trust?

No, really, who do you actually trust? Your family and friends? Well, perhaps not all of them and probably not all the time. Your doctor, religious leader or perhaps your lawyer, but definitely not – according to many recent surveys – your banker or politician

© Jan von Holleben

Who do you trust?

No, really, who do you actually trust? Your family and friends? Well, perhaps not all of them and probably not all the time. Your doctor, religious leader or perhaps your lawyer, but definitely not – according to many recent surveys – your banker or politician

Talking to the don of trust

What can the mafia teach us about trust? In a word, nothing, says University of Oxford sociologist Diego Gambetta. However, the growth of institutions such as the mafia can illustrate how societies need to find even a cheap replacement for trust to add some social cohesion and certainty. Professor Gambetta shares some of his conclusions after a lifetime of studying trust in the exclusive interview “Talking to the don of trust.

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